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Friday, May 13, 2011

Real life and some Starcraft 2.

Well you probably noticed the lack of updates the last days. This is because I'm working for the census (is this what it called? I think so :P ) which demands for 2 weeks to work both on morning and evening including weekend. I'm not going to abandon the blog ofcourse, but I won't be able to update every day like before. Thanks all my followers (120 btw, yay :D ) for your patience!

Now I didn't wanted to do this update only to tell that, well, I won't update, that's pretty pointless right? So I'll make a mention to a link that afriend gave me, is the host site for many of the SC2 non-Korean pros on I don't know how many of you are on SC2 but is very interesting to see guys like TLO, WhiteRA (with his awesome half-english half russian accent), IdrA (although banned curently for misbehaving in the stream and harassing a mod afterwards) and such from first person view while they explain their thought proccess on the fly (and troll their opponents in the case of IdrA :P ). Very interesting and also VERY informative.

Check it out even if you're not THAT into competitive SC2 multiplayer (as me, I prefer to watch the pros playing than actually play the game, I think that's the deffinition of the term e-sport right? :P ):

Btw if there's interest I'll try to have a bit more SC2 articles in the future as I enjoy playing and watching pro tournaments and games, tell me in your comments if you like more :)


  1. Starcraft 2 is a very good game :)

  2. Starcraft is great, I suck at it though.

    (also, you might want to change language on your blog, I had a hard time finding the comments section :))

  3. I think I will check that link out thanks.

  4. Goin thru those streams right now. Holy crap these guys are good

  5. I haven't been keeping up. Do people like SC2 better than the original yet?

  6. What a great game! indeed but what of aoe?!

  7. wish i could get in on starcraft 2, but my computer would probably catch on fire!

  8. More SC2 articles, sure

  9. I used to play Starcraft when I was young and had no idea it was a big sport, but starting watching it and now I watch Starcraft 2 aswell, I agree I'm too nervy/bad to play, much prefer to watch!

  10. The Koreans are insanely well presented in the sc2 pro community, APM ftw!

  11. I usually have a stream going 24/7 on my secondary monitor. Love watching SC2 streams.

  12. The players you're quoting are the best non korean in my opinion

  13. these are some hardcore players...this skil must've taken hours and hours of practice

    I have followed your blog..Could you follow mine too please?

    Sky Stock Analysis

  14. SC2! Ill check out that link. Thank you! :D

  15. ah i love SC2, i have been working so much that i can barely play though :(

  16. wish my pc could run sc2...

  17. Hahahaha!! Idra actually got banned just from being rude in a stream? Anyway, I still think WhiteRa should have won the invitational...zzz

  18. Starcraft is a good game! i love gaming blogs keep posting!

  19. Great post! Keep up the good work.

  20. I love to play sc2, and this post is really true.

  21. haha idra got banned didnt know that. one year ago i saw a record when i cried cause a terran used thre tripple m tactic and his zerg's got kicked in the ass :D

  22. <3 SC2
    Zerg is master race, lol

  23. Good luck on the census! And thanks for the link :)

  24. Great post! Keep up the good work.

  25. Great post! I'm watching White-Ra's stream as we speak... even before checking out this blog.

    I visit probably 10+ times per day lol.

    I also write about SC2 and gaming on my blog. Nice blog man, I'll be regularly checking it out and reading ! :)

  26. Cool bro, im follower number 149

  27. Nice post, keep up the good work!

  28. SC2 is awesome. I'm always down for some SC related stuff. Although I hate the Korean-pro stuff because it just reminds me how I will never be that good.


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